Wednesday 27 February 2013

Zulu beadweavers

27 February 2013

Today I’m wearing one of my favourite pieces of jewellery - a handcrafted beaded Zulu bracelet in a stunning geometric design. I love the uniqueness of the piece, the fact that it is non-produced and that it screams individuality.


This type of ethnic beaded jewellery is created by the women from the Zulu tribe of South Africa. They spend many hours crafting these beautiful items, usually sitting with their legs straight out in front of them and their beads in a shallow dish on their laps. Their work is very intricate and their exceptional skill allows them an opportunity to earn a small income to support their families.



Choosing to own and wear handcrafted jewellery such as this not only helps to support struggling communities but also distinguishes one person from the other. It can demonstrate to others the uniqueness of you and your personality.
Until next time.
Au Revoir

Tuesday 26 February 2013

26 February 2013

26 February 2013
It's cold outside and a typical grey day in England. Hence, I have decided to wear this gorgeous orange and red multistrand necklace. I love wearing this piece of jewellery, it lifts my spirits and improves my mood. I think it's got to do with the colours - the orange and red are warm and revitalising. Orange in particular is said to radiate warmth and happiness combining the physical energy and stimulation of red with the cheerfulness of yellow.
The colour psychology of orange is positive and uplifting, rejuvenating our spirit. Because orange is so optimistic and has the power to uplift, we should always find ways to incorporate orange in our daily lives. This is especially true today with the economic gloom and other world issues that surround us. So remember if you need a mood booster or help in keeping motivated, wear orange. It will help you look on the bright side of life.
Until next time,
Au Revoir